Ridwan Kamil jadi saksi nikah massal 40 pasangan di Bandung
Nikah massal 40 pasangan di Bandung
Bandung.merdeka.com - Sebanyak 40 pasangan melaksanakan kegiatan nikah massal di rumah dinas wali kota Bandung (Pendopo), Jalan Dalem Kaum, Rabu (22/11). Kegiatan ini merupakan rangkaian penutup Hari Jadi Kota Bandung (HJKB) ke 207 pada tahun ini.
Pendopo Kota Bandung yang biasa digunakan untuk kegiatan pengarahan acara wali kota, disulap menjadi tempat melangsungkan akad nikah dan resepsi. Di lokasi tersebut, menjadi saksi para peserta acara nikah masal untuk mengikat janji suci pernikahan.
Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil act directly to witness the activities of this mass marriage. Moch Arofi (27) and Yuni Reza (25) became the first couple to hold the marriage ceremony. In front of the prince who witnessed the number one in the city of Bandung, Arofi successfully congratulate the kobul smoothly. The procession followed by the signing of marriage books and exchange of rings. Happy atmosphere directly emanated from the couple who has been legally married to the wife.
Met after the marriage ceremony, Arofi expressed his joy to be married witnessed by Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil. He claimed to be proud to be married to be witnessed directly by the mayor.
"Alhamdulillah, a pride for myself can be witnessed by one of my favorites, especially since he served as mayor," said the citizen of Babakan urban village, Babakan Ciparay Sub-district to journalist at Pendopo Bandung.
Arofi admitted, knowing this mass marriage ceremony from Instagram Ridwan Kamil post some time ago. Himself who is planning to marry her lover, Yuni Reza (25) this year, directly register through the contact number listed. The existence of this mass marriage ceremony, continued Arofi very helpful, especially relieve in terms of finansial enough to drain the cost.
"Alhamdulillah all the process is made easier, everything is helped, from wedding dress to reception all have been covered, including 4 grams of wedding ring (2 grams each)," he said.
In the same place, Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil congratulate the couple who attended this mass marriage ceremony. His party was deliberately held a mass wedding event, the goal is to help couples who want to get married but hit the economic conditions.
"We hold mass marriages of 40 pairs of majority of the city of Bandung but there are also from Bandung regency, KBB and Sumedang.This is in order to help those who may feel distress to the affairs of marriage was a lot of prerequisites and needs that are economically impossible," said Emil .
Emil hope, this mass ceremony event can strengthen the indicators of happiness citizens of Bandung. Moreover from the survey results revealed that one indicator of happiness citizens of Bandung is from a harmonious family.
"Hopefully this is a routine in a special place, there is a history of their marriage so that their children if born they have legal citizenship deeds for the rights and needs of children," he concluded.
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